Tuesday, August 02, 2005

all in

Living Exploration
Discovering What You Want Through Experience
The road to knowing what you want is often paved with many moments of learning what you don't want. This holds true in all areas of life, from work to love. Knowing and accepting this can give us the courage to keep moving forward when we might otherwise paralyze ourselves with fear of making a wrong move.

All too often, we expect ourselves to know in advance what will or won't work. But this would be like accepting an invitation with a new dance partner only if we are sure, before dancing with them, that we will want to dance with them forever. We need to accept the invitation without knowing where it will lead us. When we accept the invitation, what we are committing to is exploration.

It helps to remember that choices and decisions are not permanent or final actions. They are just the first steps in an unfolding process of inquiry. Many people go to school for one thing and end up in a completely different career path. This does not mean that they made a mistake by studying English Literature and then becoming a nurse. One thing leads to another in ways we can't always foresee.

Try to remain open and curious all along the way, asking questions. How does this feel? How could it be better? What changes can be made to improve the situation? With each modification, you move closer to creating exactly what you want. But remember, sometimes we need to experience what we don't want to determine what we do want.

I really find this thought-provoking. In most times, we try to squander efforts and time only if we are sure that our ROI for that is considerable. We have become too conservative in exploring life that we escape great opportunities, out of fear and insecurity.
I just find it surreal that I had a nice surprise on my way to the office. It was an invitation for me to be part of a company which operates worldwide. The company president himself is asking me if I’m any bit interested. Since the job requirement would more or less fall under my compass of expertise: writing and public relations, I really am giving it some serious thinking.
This is again way off my convenient zone, but do we always don’t want to risk so much so as not to get burned?
Again, I am brought back, much as it is not a given nor is it remotely close to what I was surprised with, to the Koreanovela All In. There it was mentioned that the only fascination in life is gambling. That there would be a point in one’s life that s/he must be willing to give anything, give up everything, one’s soul, one’s love, one’s life for ONE, only one reason.
I am just taking every thoughts I have, every uncertainties, every fears and doubts inside me. I don’t want to judge any emotions, any feelings I am being subjected to right now.
If we only realize that a lot of questions in life remain unanswered even after we passed on. That we are not here to find the answers at all.
We are here for the questions.

1 comment:

depressed_turtle said...

that's nice! i just want to share this quote that i got from a movie that i don't even know the title, --- do not fear death, only unlived life... ;)