Sunday, September 25, 2005

time management

yeah, i did it again.

but before anything else, slacker, hapee berdey...ahehehehe.

gosh, i have gone one month, one WHOLE F**ng month without an entry.


i was thinking of this blog title for a while now. for i suck on it, i admit...

oh well.

taking on this new career is eating up my existence. but that's a good trade-off, i think. not having enough time for one's self is a good problem to think of. instead of you trying to busy yourself with some things, this is as good as it gets. i am always working.

that's the main reason why i resolved that if it's monday to friday, it will ALL be about work, my job, my career, my company and OUR clients.


for weekends, it's La Salle on Saturdays and Japanese [Anata wa Eigo wakarimasu ka] on Sundays for me.


i made this decision and i will abide by it. nyehehehehehehehe...
my new job is a damn real challenge. my body aches, i lack sleep, no social life, no book life, no koreanovela life, not much rest...lots of pressure, lots of stuff to do, lots of concerns, lots of emails, lots of privileges.

oh ain't easy man. not that i wish it were, it would be a bore.

i miss all the friends i gained at CVG...really.

time month went without a blog...lots of stuff to do.
keep praying me :)