Sunday, May 17, 2009

going 7 months

nah, it's not about relationship. i do wish though.

my stay in kuala lumpur, working for telekom malaysia is reaching halfway through this year. quite expectedly, there were numerous ruminations about it being a good or bad decision. of it being worthwhile to leave my comfort zone. of bidding goodbye to my family especially lingling, my lil sister for the 3rd time [i left for manila a week back for a business trip]...

all these have regurgitated in my mind endlessly.
but i guess, proof of it is that i still feel i can do more.

do more in the sense that despite the helplessness sometimes, it's all gonna go back to me.
it will always be dependent on me on how things will turn out and how long i will last.

definitely, God willing, i will finish my contract in 2 years.
cheers to me getting back my blog. cheers to all the things that help me get by. cheers to my business plans. cheers to all the people who constantly believe and love me...

cheers to all things happening my way.
despite being love less. hahahaha...

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