well not really, in the philippines, it's june 12.
my title is apt more on the fact that i am trying to liberate my thoughts and my psyche from the overwhelming challenges in work.
it's way beyond me already. i am more prayerful now that my tussle with someone in the organization will not fester and recurring, so much so that, i will have no other choice but walk away entirely.
i hope not. i love my company, my job, and the people i work with.
***arggggghhhhhhh, i just hate it when a month passes by without me blogging.
Sunday, July 02, 2006
Monday, May 01, 2006
repost repast
the following used to be my posts in my friendster blog site.
i have gotten tired of maintaining it further, thus i am paring down.
i know there is a better way than cutting and pasting, but i guess, for the life of me [and keeping it simple] this is the fastest.
No more blogs for me in Friendster
i guess i have gotten tired of maintaining lots of blogs.
to keep it simple, just find me in my main blog site.
gracias con todo.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 30 April 2006 at 09:46 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
La canción en el corazón
i tried writing some stuff that i feel right now and i was able to think of melding together my fave song of the moment with the things going through my mind.
aches and pains are but attendant emotions of this lot, i know. i never imagined going through such motions [and emotions] by my lonesome me. i was thinking...
ikaw ang lahat sa akin,
kahit ika'y wala sa aking piling
isang magandang alaala
isang kahapong lagi kong kasama
i never once decided that i will be into this. i was just going through my daily existence harboring no expectations nor figment of imagination.
none at all.
never once part of me, but now taking you into me seems to be perfectly contrived. organic.
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
kahit ika'y di ko dapat ibigin
dapat ba kitang limutin
pa'no mapipigil ang isang damdamin
kung ang sinisigaw
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
this uneasiness is not lost. awkward and all, i plunge ahead. singing this song in my head, bellowing through my heart is not a desire, not even a wish. it is a thought. that somewhere, another time maybe, this is something beautiful, something worth cherishing.
at kung hindi ngayon
ang panahon, upang ikaw ay mahalin
bukas na walang hanggan
doo'y maghihintay pa rin
until then, thank you. for you made me happy, you made me smile. life is worth living. but much more worth living over and over again because of that thought, which may never be fulfilled, maybe not my lifetime nor the next...
but i appreciate very well.
every second, every moment.
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
sa maykapal aking dinadalangin
dapat ba kitang limutin
pa'no mapipigil ang isang damdamin
kung ang sinisigaw
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
at kung hindi ngayon
ang panahon, upang ikaw ay mahalin
bukas na walang hanggan
doo'y maghihintay pa rin
Posted by Gio Pojida on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 at 11:39 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Abofeteado en la cara
have you ever felt a situation wherein you felt your cheeks reddened, felt the sting of a slap, yet none such action ever happened?
well, yeah, i have. and right now i feel stupid going over the motions again and again. i am not mad, i just feel like confronting somebody.
but will i get my end of it? i don't think so. foremost, i feel this is not justified for the other party since we don't know each other. i mean, yeah, at face value we do but we are not known to each other in any way defined by norms.
and for this, i ran 2 hours on the treadmill. talk about release.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 19 June 2005 at 10:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Mi fortuna según las estrellas
have i told you that i am as well a horoscope person? be it from our work account's homepage, or astrology.com or Inquirer, or just about any publication or media which carry this information, i try to read as daily as possible. i do know how to read or interpret a person generally using his star formation on the date of birth, but of course, personality goes beyond this.
similar to handwriting analysis, which i also studied, it is amazing to realize that we are what and how we write.
according to My Yahoo homepage, this is my chart for today. how very apt.
You might think this situation is a failure when, in fact, it's come along at this moment to teach you a skill you'll need to deal with an even greater success. So put those assumptions and fears aside and deal with what's in front of you right now. Those crafty stars might have far greater plans in store for you than you could have ever dreamed of. Learn everything you can from this moment and remember it. It'll come in handy sooner than you know.
how i wish.
for your very own free personalized readings, click here.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Monday, 13 June 2005 at 02:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
this is just a repost of my past entry in livejournal. i find it relevant with my discussion on relationships. so here goes.
at random moments in our lives we experience gasps of uncertainty and unanswerable questions--rhetoric at most--about important relationships. looking back, we ask most times where we went wrong. but i surmise to say, i think we better ask more where it went right and not regret the fact that the thing went pfft. to focus more and build on the fact that at one point in both lives, we made somebody's existence a bit happier and a tad more meaningful.
If Only
You came into my life and made me see
That I can learn to breath and live again
But it seems that you've had a change of heart
And everything we have, you're willing to throw away
Did you ever feel that I can ever love you for real
Why did you have to go
Baby I need you so
If only I can be back in your arms again
That I can make you feel the love we knew back then
Maybe you and I would see forever
If only I can be back in your arms again
Oh how can I ever know
That you're simply everything to me
And how can I make you believe
That I would truly live and die for you
I can't understand how you could ever break my heart
Why did you have to go
Baby I need you so
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 12 June 2005 at 03:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Que significa Full House y Art of letting go: Closure y Moving on?
i have new blogs in my blogspot site. one is about my raving on Full House and my piece about Closure and Moving On in relationships. i gave it a title, "Art of letting go."
if you so desire to view it in its full length entirety, download here.
i decided to make my friendster blog, my everyday thingey site. for other concerns, i will just link it to other sites.
thanks for the visit!!!
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 12 June 2005 at 02:25 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Blog Nation
i think more than any other reason, it is the love for the prose that keeps me setting up and trying to maintain a good blog site.
what else is there?
oh well, maybe it also fed my insatiable desire to pound my tactile keys to come up with sensible passages of thoughts for others to peruse. i mean, i used to be paid to write, right? so when the possibility of putting all these online, it got me up all night.
though not necessarily, i think am confused, wait...
because even before when i was still a paid hack, i already have my livejournal with me [with username/password now i can't vaguely remember, ahehehehe]. but i don't know if i was able to log on to it on a regular basis. as in sipping coffee basis. nah.
but now? i really don't know. my computer keeps on humming and maybe she is hating me now for this addiction. i even think of enhancing my sites with links or pics so others will truly have an experience going through my pages. hey, even my events management business has a blog! although i didn't get to pick the name of my choice for it.
so far i presently have this one for blogspot. yeah, i hated this site for some days since i am not able to login and add my posts. but we patched things up.
what came better out of that inconvenience is that i was able to set up in other blog services.
i set up in myblogsite.com, which is cooler i would say in terms of tools to set it up. maybe if i were more tech savvy it would have blown me away. what i hated only is that i can't seem to remove the advert box on top. plus, the size is just too way big for my liking. but what i love simply is the layout. it came across as fresh and very professional looking. plus there is a description part that allowed me to describe my site. the dashboard is really cool. it's like it's the background for your site. whatever you do there reflects on your screen, of course, but not in a choose+click manner like blogspot.
out of sheer frustration, in local parlance "pinatulan ko na rin ang Friendster," [i gave in to setting up Friendster blog]. hahahahaha. for weeks now, i am bemused with people popping in my yahoo inbox that they have set up their blogs with F. what is more amusing is that these people, except for some, is totally non-descriptive of a blogger. thus, when i set up mine, i checked out their spaces and yeah, true to form, nothing is there. more ahahahahahahaha.
must i admit that i really am inspired by the 3 gorgeous blogmates of mine in wave 2: mau, ays and mistress theny. like, they would always refer to it as, "have you read mau's entry last week?" or "yeah, i put it in my blog." that's why when i visited my site again last week, i got hooked. i was in a trance and i was telling myself, "gio, just what are you NOT doing?" i was ashamed. and that feeling alone pushed me to scribe so many entries in my different blog sites.
the bad taste is that i will try not to post almost the same stuff from one blog to the other. i will find that pathetic. i mean, for now i can carry with 2 sites bearing the same posts but later on i will try to conjure a sense for each blog so that each will have a distinct personality yet not so very off with the other.
one may be my confession site, the other my regular blog space, the other more of a discussion one thing. i don't know, just thinking of it makes my mouth water in delirious overdrive.
i also find remembering a lot of different username tedious. i resorted to pasting all info in one notepad as well. another hahahaha moment there.
i really find this activity very romantic. it's like even while chatting this morning with a good pal, i told him, "know what? i think this is a good stuff for blog." and i did save a notepad file for blog topics so that everytime i have a chance to write something i can easily open up another notepad and type my ideas just like now. i am anticipating a lechon kawali fare for lunch with thirst quenching coca-cola drowned with ice bits [yeah, the more ice the better for me] with that piping hot rice and sweet chili sauce as dip.
ahhhhhh, life can't get any better than this.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 09:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Buenos dias!
I am now certified blog addict. I mean, I hardly had any sleep but here I am barely 2 hours from the blank zone typing in my keyboard mah first entry for the day. Mom is preparing breakfast and my brother is demanding I create/edit his email accounts NOW, pronto! Gosh, and I was telling him, do you have a business transaction today that you are flying off your handle? Mah goodness.
Kei, will write something longer later for posting on 3 sites I maintain, ahahahahaha! "P . I got to eat chow.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 03:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Yo me llamo Gio
I was searching some things on the net, actually I was on Friendster that time, when I stumbled upon sites which give your name meanings. Of course, the knowledge sucker that I am, I went on and typed furiously just to quench my desire to find out what mah name means.
Here’s one:
Although the name Giovanni creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the lungs, heart, bronchial area, and tension or accidents to the head.
As Giovanni you have a great love of nature and the out-of-doors, and could have a desire to be in an occupation which takes you outdoors and involves you with the products of the earth. All the finer things of life and beauties of nature are an inspiration to you and you are attracted to the mysteries of nature. Difficulty in expression results in your being too positive, blunt, and candid in speech. Although you are easily offended by others, you do not show it. You crave affection and understanding, but rarely find it as others do not understand you and accuse you of being cool and aloof.
Another one:
Johannes - God is gracious
My Chinese name:
Bei Gao Fu – tall, lofty, calming, comforting something
Come to think of it. I do believe that names are really worth thinking of when we are about to christen somebody with such appellation. I was informed before that mothers should be the ones thinking of their child’s name since they reared that person for nine months. It’s like they are supposed to ask and listen to the child in their womb for what name they want. Naming names is tempting fate, as Jessica Zafra would insist, since for example you named the child Aphrodite and she turned ugly later on, then she will always be the butt of jokes right?
For me, I think I read this as well somewhere, when you put a name on someone, you are casting your power over that person. For in previous millennia, it is better that you remain unknown for you are beholden if you are named. I think in Latin that is nomen est omen, the name is the sign.
When I was in kindergarten, I used to hate my name for I almost always misspelled it to something else. I find it too long, with a letter doubled and is so uncommon I can’t seem to find somebody else in the classroom bearing something similar to my name. Somebody even spelled it out as: Diyobanee. Mah gosh!!!
As it turned out, many known and powerful men in history was borne of the same name. The late pope was Giovanni Paulo in Italian. There is Giovanni Battista, Giovanni Bellini [painter], Giovanni Boccaccio [of Decameron], et al.
Although mostly Italian, they were very much pronounced mostly in Renaissance and I think, or at least would love to think, that I am very much a Renaissance man myself. I love to dip all 10 fingers that I have into so many things. I like to try things for trying’s sake alone. Although in discourses, I would appeal that I am trying them for knowledge [or research, duh?] aspirations. Hahahaha!
I think mah name really defined myself. Now, I am very much proud to display my name since I feel that a lot of people recognize it not just for its spelling but much more so since they highly identify my personality with that word.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 10:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hola, que tal?
como esta usted?
bueno, vamos a escribir para blog, puede?
gracias con todo!
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 10:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
i have gotten tired of maintaining it further, thus i am paring down.
i know there is a better way than cutting and pasting, but i guess, for the life of me [and keeping it simple] this is the fastest.
No more blogs for me in Friendster
i guess i have gotten tired of maintaining lots of blogs.
to keep it simple, just find me in my main blog site.
gracias con todo.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 30 April 2006 at 09:46 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
La canción en el corazón
i tried writing some stuff that i feel right now and i was able to think of melding together my fave song of the moment with the things going through my mind.
aches and pains are but attendant emotions of this lot, i know. i never imagined going through such motions [and emotions] by my lonesome me. i was thinking...
ikaw ang lahat sa akin,
kahit ika'y wala sa aking piling
isang magandang alaala
isang kahapong lagi kong kasama
i never once decided that i will be into this. i was just going through my daily existence harboring no expectations nor figment of imagination.
none at all.
never once part of me, but now taking you into me seems to be perfectly contrived. organic.
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
kahit ika'y di ko dapat ibigin
dapat ba kitang limutin
pa'no mapipigil ang isang damdamin
kung ang sinisigaw
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
this uneasiness is not lost. awkward and all, i plunge ahead. singing this song in my head, bellowing through my heart is not a desire, not even a wish. it is a thought. that somewhere, another time maybe, this is something beautiful, something worth cherishing.
at kung hindi ngayon
ang panahon, upang ikaw ay mahalin
bukas na walang hanggan
doo'y maghihintay pa rin
until then, thank you. for you made me happy, you made me smile. life is worth living. but much more worth living over and over again because of that thought, which may never be fulfilled, maybe not my lifetime nor the next...
but i appreciate very well.
every second, every moment.
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
sa maykapal aking dinadalangin
dapat ba kitang limutin
pa'no mapipigil ang isang damdamin
kung ang sinisigaw
ikaw ang lahat sa akin
at kung hindi ngayon
ang panahon, upang ikaw ay mahalin
bukas na walang hanggan
doo'y maghihintay pa rin
Posted by Gio Pojida on Tuesday, 21 June 2005 at 11:39 PM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Abofeteado en la cara
have you ever felt a situation wherein you felt your cheeks reddened, felt the sting of a slap, yet none such action ever happened?
well, yeah, i have. and right now i feel stupid going over the motions again and again. i am not mad, i just feel like confronting somebody.
but will i get my end of it? i don't think so. foremost, i feel this is not justified for the other party since we don't know each other. i mean, yeah, at face value we do but we are not known to each other in any way defined by norms.
and for this, i ran 2 hours on the treadmill. talk about release.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 19 June 2005 at 10:18 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Mi fortuna según las estrellas
have i told you that i am as well a horoscope person? be it from our work account's homepage, or astrology.com or Inquirer, or just about any publication or media which carry this information, i try to read as daily as possible. i do know how to read or interpret a person generally using his star formation on the date of birth, but of course, personality goes beyond this.
similar to handwriting analysis, which i also studied, it is amazing to realize that we are what and how we write.
according to My Yahoo homepage, this is my chart for today. how very apt.
You might think this situation is a failure when, in fact, it's come along at this moment to teach you a skill you'll need to deal with an even greater success. So put those assumptions and fears aside and deal with what's in front of you right now. Those crafty stars might have far greater plans in store for you than you could have ever dreamed of. Learn everything you can from this moment and remember it. It'll come in handy sooner than you know.
how i wish.
for your very own free personalized readings, click here.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Monday, 13 June 2005 at 02:38 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
this is just a repost of my past entry in livejournal. i find it relevant with my discussion on relationships. so here goes.
at random moments in our lives we experience gasps of uncertainty and unanswerable questions--rhetoric at most--about important relationships. looking back, we ask most times where we went wrong. but i surmise to say, i think we better ask more where it went right and not regret the fact that the thing went pfft. to focus more and build on the fact that at one point in both lives, we made somebody's existence a bit happier and a tad more meaningful.
If Only
You came into my life and made me see
That I can learn to breath and live again
But it seems that you've had a change of heart
And everything we have, you're willing to throw away
Did you ever feel that I can ever love you for real
Why did you have to go
Baby I need you so
If only I can be back in your arms again
That I can make you feel the love we knew back then
Maybe you and I would see forever
If only I can be back in your arms again
Oh how can I ever know
That you're simply everything to me
And how can I make you believe
That I would truly live and die for you
I can't understand how you could ever break my heart
Why did you have to go
Baby I need you so
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 12 June 2005 at 03:30 AM | Permalink | Comments (1)
Que significa Full House y Art of letting go: Closure y Moving on?
i have new blogs in my blogspot site. one is about my raving on Full House and my piece about Closure and Moving On in relationships. i gave it a title, "Art of letting go."
if you so desire to view it in its full length entirety, download here.
i decided to make my friendster blog, my everyday thingey site. for other concerns, i will just link it to other sites.
thanks for the visit!!!
Posted by Gio Pojida on Sunday, 12 June 2005 at 02:25 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Blog Nation
i think more than any other reason, it is the love for the prose that keeps me setting up and trying to maintain a good blog site.
what else is there?
oh well, maybe it also fed my insatiable desire to pound my tactile keys to come up with sensible passages of thoughts for others to peruse. i mean, i used to be paid to write, right? so when the possibility of putting all these online, it got me up all night.
though not necessarily, i think am confused, wait...
because even before when i was still a paid hack, i already have my livejournal with me [with username/password now i can't vaguely remember, ahehehehe]. but i don't know if i was able to log on to it on a regular basis. as in sipping coffee basis. nah.
but now? i really don't know. my computer keeps on humming and maybe she is hating me now for this addiction. i even think of enhancing my sites with links or pics so others will truly have an experience going through my pages. hey, even my events management business has a blog! although i didn't get to pick the name of my choice for it.
so far i presently have this one for blogspot. yeah, i hated this site for some days since i am not able to login and add my posts. but we patched things up.
what came better out of that inconvenience is that i was able to set up in other blog services.
i set up in myblogsite.com, which is cooler i would say in terms of tools to set it up. maybe if i were more tech savvy it would have blown me away. what i hated only is that i can't seem to remove the advert box on top. plus, the size is just too way big for my liking. but what i love simply is the layout. it came across as fresh and very professional looking. plus there is a description part that allowed me to describe my site. the dashboard is really cool. it's like it's the background for your site. whatever you do there reflects on your screen, of course, but not in a choose+click manner like blogspot.
out of sheer frustration, in local parlance "pinatulan ko na rin ang Friendster," [i gave in to setting up Friendster blog]. hahahahaha. for weeks now, i am bemused with people popping in my yahoo inbox that they have set up their blogs with F. what is more amusing is that these people, except for some, is totally non-descriptive of a blogger. thus, when i set up mine, i checked out their spaces and yeah, true to form, nothing is there. more ahahahahahahaha.
must i admit that i really am inspired by the 3 gorgeous blogmates of mine in wave 2: mau, ays and mistress theny. like, they would always refer to it as, "have you read mau's entry last week?" or "yeah, i put it in my blog." that's why when i visited my site again last week, i got hooked. i was in a trance and i was telling myself, "gio, just what are you NOT doing?" i was ashamed. and that feeling alone pushed me to scribe so many entries in my different blog sites.
the bad taste is that i will try not to post almost the same stuff from one blog to the other. i will find that pathetic. i mean, for now i can carry with 2 sites bearing the same posts but later on i will try to conjure a sense for each blog so that each will have a distinct personality yet not so very off with the other.
one may be my confession site, the other my regular blog space, the other more of a discussion one thing. i don't know, just thinking of it makes my mouth water in delirious overdrive.
i also find remembering a lot of different username tedious. i resorted to pasting all info in one notepad as well. another hahahaha moment there.
i really find this activity very romantic. it's like even while chatting this morning with a good pal, i told him, "know what? i think this is a good stuff for blog." and i did save a notepad file for blog topics so that everytime i have a chance to write something i can easily open up another notepad and type my ideas just like now. i am anticipating a lechon kawali fare for lunch with thirst quenching coca-cola drowned with ice bits [yeah, the more ice the better for me] with that piping hot rice and sweet chili sauce as dip.
ahhhhhh, life can't get any better than this.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 09:05 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Buenos dias!
I am now certified blog addict. I mean, I hardly had any sleep but here I am barely 2 hours from the blank zone typing in my keyboard mah first entry for the day. Mom is preparing breakfast and my brother is demanding I create/edit his email accounts NOW, pronto! Gosh, and I was telling him, do you have a business transaction today that you are flying off your handle? Mah goodness.
Kei, will write something longer later for posting on 3 sites I maintain, ahahahahaha! "P . I got to eat chow.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 03:43 PM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Yo me llamo Gio
I was searching some things on the net, actually I was on Friendster that time, when I stumbled upon sites which give your name meanings. Of course, the knowledge sucker that I am, I went on and typed furiously just to quench my desire to find out what mah name means.
Here’s one:
Although the name Giovanni creates an interest in the deeper aspects of life, we emphasize that it causes a blunt expression that alienates others. This name, when combined with the last name, can frustrate happiness, contentment, and success, as well as cause health weaknesses in the lungs, heart, bronchial area, and tension or accidents to the head.
As Giovanni you have a great love of nature and the out-of-doors, and could have a desire to be in an occupation which takes you outdoors and involves you with the products of the earth. All the finer things of life and beauties of nature are an inspiration to you and you are attracted to the mysteries of nature. Difficulty in expression results in your being too positive, blunt, and candid in speech. Although you are easily offended by others, you do not show it. You crave affection and understanding, but rarely find it as others do not understand you and accuse you of being cool and aloof.
Another one:
Johannes - God is gracious
My Chinese name:
Bei Gao Fu – tall, lofty, calming, comforting something
Come to think of it. I do believe that names are really worth thinking of when we are about to christen somebody with such appellation. I was informed before that mothers should be the ones thinking of their child’s name since they reared that person for nine months. It’s like they are supposed to ask and listen to the child in their womb for what name they want. Naming names is tempting fate, as Jessica Zafra would insist, since for example you named the child Aphrodite and she turned ugly later on, then she will always be the butt of jokes right?
For me, I think I read this as well somewhere, when you put a name on someone, you are casting your power over that person. For in previous millennia, it is better that you remain unknown for you are beholden if you are named. I think in Latin that is nomen est omen, the name is the sign.
When I was in kindergarten, I used to hate my name for I almost always misspelled it to something else. I find it too long, with a letter doubled and is so uncommon I can’t seem to find somebody else in the classroom bearing something similar to my name. Somebody even spelled it out as: Diyobanee. Mah gosh!!!
As it turned out, many known and powerful men in history was borne of the same name. The late pope was Giovanni Paulo in Italian. There is Giovanni Battista, Giovanni Bellini [painter], Giovanni Boccaccio [of Decameron], et al.
Although mostly Italian, they were very much pronounced mostly in Renaissance and I think, or at least would love to think, that I am very much a Renaissance man myself. I love to dip all 10 fingers that I have into so many things. I like to try things for trying’s sake alone. Although in discourses, I would appeal that I am trying them for knowledge [or research, duh?] aspirations. Hahahaha!
I think mah name really defined myself. Now, I am very much proud to display my name since I feel that a lot of people recognize it not just for its spelling but much more so since they highly identify my personality with that word.
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 10:32 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
Hola, que tal?
como esta usted?
bueno, vamos a escribir para blog, puede?
gracias con todo!
Posted by Gio Pojida on Thursday, 09 June 2005 at 10:24 AM | Permalink | Comments (0)
bring me to cebu...please!!!
this is the island in the philippines where i definitely will see the rest of my life played out.
i already told my mom and dad, separate occasions though, that in five years time i will be heading to cebu and make more of my millions there. if my current company will still be part of such a decision, then so be it. if not, then so be it too.
i likewise discussed with my family my plans for the remainder of the year 2006. this was enflamed further by me and mom's torrid discussion about life just this afternoon in wendy's. what my plans are for me and my family.
like it always figures out in my discussions with friends, i don't prioritize myself. not because i was told to, but because i wanted to. after God, my family is next. i couldn't begin describing how my dysfunctional family has nurtured me to be me. if not for their love [and craziness, in varying degrees], i wouldn't know how i would turn out to be.
anyway, enough of drama for now.
would want to share pics from cebu.
can't get to wait for the next five years.
i already told my mom and dad, separate occasions though, that in five years time i will be heading to cebu and make more of my millions there. if my current company will still be part of such a decision, then so be it. if not, then so be it too.
i likewise discussed with my family my plans for the remainder of the year 2006. this was enflamed further by me and mom's torrid discussion about life just this afternoon in wendy's. what my plans are for me and my family.
like it always figures out in my discussions with friends, i don't prioritize myself. not because i was told to, but because i wanted to. after God, my family is next. i couldn't begin describing how my dysfunctional family has nurtured me to be me. if not for their love [and craziness, in varying degrees], i wouldn't know how i would turn out to be.
anyway, enough of drama for now.
would want to share pics from cebu.
can't get to wait for the next five years.
merry month of may
imagine that, i haven't posted for quite some time.
this really explains why i got terribly sick last week. enough for me to rush to the hospital and be flat out for one WHOLE straight working week.
it was that worse that i really couldn't do any thing about work but to think about it. i couldn't read my email, i couldn't touch my laptop. i was plainly sick, and couldn't do a thing about it.
which was good actually. every time i get sick? i do ponder about my life...a lot.
what happened to me restacked my options and what i really wanted to do with my existence. it was a very reassuring feeling that i realized, there INDEED is life aside from work.
most of my bedridded moments i was thinking about my family: mom, dad, brother and sister. i realized that i could have done more for them. that i could have spent more time with them. all those nagging should-haves.
but i am enjoying my work right now, don't get me very wrong. i like my company, i like the people [at least MOST of them]. but i started thinking, how can i continue on being as dedicated if i am sick most of times? i need to be healthy.
with an iniitial BP of 140/100 i was really floored. i already have hypertension?
so when i recounted it with our family doctor [who was looking after my health since i was 13 DAYS old on earth, now i'm 30!] my lifestyle: poor eating habits, long days of work, stressing targets...he said it: "you know after all."
but it is hard, i find. for me to just laze the time away and not ensure that the ship is well oiled and running. stemming perhaps to the fact that i do love the company, may be it's that.
don't you find it similarly when you are stressed out by your immediate family when things happen in the household that could have very well been prevented? it sheds your hair, right? but the reason it does is because you love your [darn :)] family so much.
so i decided, from this point on, aside from living and eating healthy [i am waging a war against fatty meat and food, "p] i shall be more responsible when it comes to work hours.
the more i do that, the more i am productive, the more i do more for the company.
nuff said.
this really explains why i got terribly sick last week. enough for me to rush to the hospital and be flat out for one WHOLE straight working week.
it was that worse that i really couldn't do any thing about work but to think about it. i couldn't read my email, i couldn't touch my laptop. i was plainly sick, and couldn't do a thing about it.
which was good actually. every time i get sick? i do ponder about my life...a lot.
what happened to me restacked my options and what i really wanted to do with my existence. it was a very reassuring feeling that i realized, there INDEED is life aside from work.
most of my bedridded moments i was thinking about my family: mom, dad, brother and sister. i realized that i could have done more for them. that i could have spent more time with them. all those nagging should-haves.
but i am enjoying my work right now, don't get me very wrong. i like my company, i like the people [at least MOST of them]. but i started thinking, how can i continue on being as dedicated if i am sick most of times? i need to be healthy.
with an iniitial BP of 140/100 i was really floored. i already have hypertension?
so when i recounted it with our family doctor [who was looking after my health since i was 13 DAYS old on earth, now i'm 30!] my lifestyle: poor eating habits, long days of work, stressing targets...he said it: "you know after all."
but it is hard, i find. for me to just laze the time away and not ensure that the ship is well oiled and running. stemming perhaps to the fact that i do love the company, may be it's that.
don't you find it similarly when you are stressed out by your immediate family when things happen in the household that could have very well been prevented? it sheds your hair, right? but the reason it does is because you love your [darn :)] family so much.
so i decided, from this point on, aside from living and eating healthy [i am waging a war against fatty meat and food, "p] i shall be more responsible when it comes to work hours.
the more i do that, the more i am productive, the more i do more for the company.
nuff said.
Tuesday, February 21, 2006
sometime, somewhere
i am now, how do we say that, in the cusp of falling in and out of love. yeah, very shortlived. the explanation was simple, the other party is not yet ready for the situation. understandably, for a 3rd year nursing college student.
simple explanation but harder still was my acceptance. it was like, should i persist or resist. the person wants friendship for the awkwardness of the moment is just too much.
and i am willing to give that, all of that and more. to nurture the relationship. be it for platonic or romantic relationship, then so be it.
but who am i to decide on what happens and what doesn't...
this is the tune that floats in my mind for days now.
i do pray that i can bear the loss of something that hasn't been there at all...not yet anyway.
sometime, somewhere
by regine velasquez
composed by ryan cayabyab
we speak but the words we say mean nothing
we smile but the smiles we give are wanting
we look upon each other's eyes
no spark, no glow, no real signs
but we both know this is all for show
until that... sometime, somewhere
we could show the world we have each other
sometime, somewhere
we need not hide our feelings,
we just keep on believing
that we both have the time together
sometime and somewhere
somewhere, our lips would be free at last
to say the words we've hungered to say
and we won't have to worry
we smile we won't say sorry
one look and we have cast our fears aside
sometime, that sometime
will turn to forever, for all time
somewhere, our somewhere would not just be one place
but everywhere
until that sometime, somewhere
we just have to be content with stealing glances
somehow, content with saying nothing
smiles that are always wanting
though deep inside it hurts because we know
that our love, like love,
it's what it is
it's what we've got
our love, like love will have to wait
until that sometime, somewhere
simple explanation but harder still was my acceptance. it was like, should i persist or resist. the person wants friendship for the awkwardness of the moment is just too much.
and i am willing to give that, all of that and more. to nurture the relationship. be it for platonic or romantic relationship, then so be it.
but who am i to decide on what happens and what doesn't...
this is the tune that floats in my mind for days now.
i do pray that i can bear the loss of something that hasn't been there at all...not yet anyway.
sometime, somewhere
by regine velasquez
composed by ryan cayabyab
we speak but the words we say mean nothing
we smile but the smiles we give are wanting
we look upon each other's eyes
no spark, no glow, no real signs
but we both know this is all for show
until that... sometime, somewhere
we could show the world we have each other
sometime, somewhere
we need not hide our feelings,
we just keep on believing
that we both have the time together
sometime and somewhere
somewhere, our lips would be free at last
to say the words we've hungered to say
and we won't have to worry
we smile we won't say sorry
one look and we have cast our fears aside
sometime, that sometime
will turn to forever, for all time
somewhere, our somewhere would not just be one place
but everywhere
until that sometime, somewhere
we just have to be content with stealing glances
somehow, content with saying nothing
smiles that are always wanting
though deep inside it hurts because we know
that our love, like love,
it's what it is
it's what we've got
our love, like love will have to wait
until that sometime, somewhere
Wednesday, February 15, 2006
first massage
i had my first whole body massage last week, friday to be exact, to pamper my tired bones and muscles. it was a treat so to speak, but i really didn't feel the relaxation at all. hardly, if at all.
foremost, the masseuse wasn't strong enough to drill through my flesh. i always complain of spots at my back which when pressed properly would give me nirvana. but not in this case. she was pressing hard enough given her strength. but she was entirely lost in my massive canvas.
i did like the bergamot oil used though. it quieted me all throughout and even made me drowsy. but i hate to admit that my tickle points upset whatever relaxation i would have experienced. close to laughing all throughout, i just bit my lower lip to prevent me from hysterically rolling over.
time to find hard hands, i guess. aida proved much more adept in pressing my pain points when she did a dry massage yesterday. for that, i would have lied down and tore off my underpants...hahaha, thanks friend.
foremost, the masseuse wasn't strong enough to drill through my flesh. i always complain of spots at my back which when pressed properly would give me nirvana. but not in this case. she was pressing hard enough given her strength. but she was entirely lost in my massive canvas.
i did like the bergamot oil used though. it quieted me all throughout and even made me drowsy. but i hate to admit that my tickle points upset whatever relaxation i would have experienced. close to laughing all throughout, i just bit my lower lip to prevent me from hysterically rolling over.
time to find hard hands, i guess. aida proved much more adept in pressing my pain points when she did a dry massage yesterday. for that, i would have lied down and tore off my underpants...hahaha, thanks friend.
Friday, February 10, 2006
post birthday bash

at long last, it is now most likely to happen: a celebration with a lot of "posts"
post birthday, post chinese new year, post valentine bash. hahahaha.
you see, i was into the thick mud of events preparation for our Asia Pacific office and Executive Forum grand launch this 7th of february that it was utterly impossible to have my preparations underway. but i was always thinking, i had to celebrate for i turned 30 years old. i even thought of the invites already, things like those. but time was really not there for me at all personally.
but my event was successful, we were endorsed by the commission on ICT, we were covered by the media...but it could have been lots lots better, i guess. anyway.
so, God willing, i shall be able to hold my posts bash come february 19, sunday. i will be exhausting this weekend to come up with all my plans and details.
i am excited, i just hope my will overtakes my 'kakuriputan' as always.
see you guys. this is my way of saying, thank you and i love you for being there for me.
same time, last year
i can't believe it, can i?
i am now a year old blogger, hahaha. ays started this off when we were doing escalation calls, to bail us and bear us out of boredom and lack of better things to let our minds go into.
taking calls was so frustratingly stressing. one needs cranial exercises to keep you from jumping out of the nearest glass window.
so there, i may have missed certain months for my posts but i really validate that blogging is one channel of expression that i should have gotten more into even before.
so i look forward to more road trips, more things to write, to think about. much more interesting people to keep this a[nti]quarian going and googling. hahahahaha.
happy anniversary mojacko. darn, am old. "p
i am now a year old blogger, hahaha. ays started this off when we were doing escalation calls, to bail us and bear us out of boredom and lack of better things to let our minds go into.
taking calls was so frustratingly stressing. one needs cranial exercises to keep you from jumping out of the nearest glass window.
so there, i may have missed certain months for my posts but i really validate that blogging is one channel of expression that i should have gotten more into even before.
so i look forward to more road trips, more things to write, to think about. much more interesting people to keep this a[nti]quarian going and googling. hahahahaha.
happy anniversary mojacko. darn, am old. "p
Thursday, February 09, 2006
and it is over
and the 7th of february has come to pass...
how i've waited for this event to be done and over with, in a good sense, but of course.
since i started working for my ICT RESEARCH AND ADVISORY FIRM, this event has been owned by moi, thus, when it got postponed couple of times, i was so distraught. but God always has the perfect plan in the most appropriate times.
the turnout was very good...well within our expectations. but i always aim for citing areas of improvements. i always am.
i just thank God and our Mother for helping us all out. for believing in my vision and my principles. their guidance was my focal point. and it was so revitalizing going to Baclaran yesterday to pay homage to our lady of perpetual help. i have always approached her when things don't turn out right, not as expected, even impossible.
and she has never failed me.
thank you so much.
till my next event. for all the people who believed enough on what i can deliver, my gratitude.
i shall always work hard...no shortcut for success really.
here's my song for this moment:
by Regine Velasquez
I Have Always Dreamed of This Day
The Whole World At My Feet
And Fame Within My Reach
Friends I Have A Plenty
But When The Lights Down Low
And Nowhere To Go
There's No One There But Me
Time Flies And All Things
Must Come To An End
Like The Sandcastles
Slowly Being Swept Away
By The Incoming Tide
All That Is Left Are Traces of What
I Used To Be
Today I Have To Let Go
And All Will Be Forgotten
But After Everything's
Been Said And Done
And Knowing That I Once Had
You In My Life
And Memories Of What I Used To Be
Are Traces That Will Remind You Of Me
how i've waited for this event to be done and over with, in a good sense, but of course.
since i started working for my ICT RESEARCH AND ADVISORY FIRM, this event has been owned by moi, thus, when it got postponed couple of times, i was so distraught. but God always has the perfect plan in the most appropriate times.
the turnout was very good...well within our expectations. but i always aim for citing areas of improvements. i always am.
i just thank God and our Mother for helping us all out. for believing in my vision and my principles. their guidance was my focal point. and it was so revitalizing going to Baclaran yesterday to pay homage to our lady of perpetual help. i have always approached her when things don't turn out right, not as expected, even impossible.
and she has never failed me.
thank you so much.
till my next event. for all the people who believed enough on what i can deliver, my gratitude.
i shall always work hard...no shortcut for success really.
here's my song for this moment:
by Regine Velasquez
I Have Always Dreamed of This Day
The Whole World At My Feet
And Fame Within My Reach
Friends I Have A Plenty
But When The Lights Down Low
And Nowhere To Go
There's No One There But Me
Time Flies And All Things
Must Come To An End
Like The Sandcastles
Slowly Being Swept Away
By The Incoming Tide
All That Is Left Are Traces of What
I Used To Be
Today I Have To Let Go
And All Will Be Forgotten
But After Everything's
Been Said And Done
And Knowing That I Once Had
You In My Life
And Memories Of What I Used To Be
Are Traces That Will Remind You Of Me
friendships and friendsters
for lack of anything better to do [hahaha, i guess...my event just got wrapped up and i still felt lacking in imperative to act on something substantial...anyways].
i did some friendster pages surfing and decided on tracking 2 persons i have always had reservations dealing with lately and i had a realization that despite what i have made up as my impression on them A LOT of people would most likely form a vehemently different opinion themselves.
i was scanning their testimonials one by one and of course being friends, they were raising good points all at the same time. understandably maybe because they were friends, but i guess, not all of them could be wrong right?
which brings me to the question, had it a different situation we were in? instead of business, maybe professionalism wouldn't have mattered much. it's like you know that some of your friends turn to drugs or excessive sex maybe, but you still stick it up with that person right?
i would even defend maybe a person for being such, if others would offensibly throw in some 'truthful' statements to them.
i really feel that observing people should be my natural course of interest. studying how these people can be great friends but be friggin' dupin' businessmen is beyond me, but that is what makes life all the more much interesting.
for if we can predetermine what one is to do, there goes the fish, i would say.
oh well.
i did some friendster pages surfing and decided on tracking 2 persons i have always had reservations dealing with lately and i had a realization that despite what i have made up as my impression on them A LOT of people would most likely form a vehemently different opinion themselves.
i was scanning their testimonials one by one and of course being friends, they were raising good points all at the same time. understandably maybe because they were friends, but i guess, not all of them could be wrong right?
which brings me to the question, had it a different situation we were in? instead of business, maybe professionalism wouldn't have mattered much. it's like you know that some of your friends turn to drugs or excessive sex maybe, but you still stick it up with that person right?
i would even defend maybe a person for being such, if others would offensibly throw in some 'truthful' statements to them.
i really feel that observing people should be my natural course of interest. studying how these people can be great friends but be friggin' dupin' businessmen is beyond me, but that is what makes life all the more much interesting.
for if we can predetermine what one is to do, there goes the fish, i would say.
oh well.
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